Special Events Insurance

Camps and Clinics Blanket Accident Insurance

NCAA Insurance Program

Subject: Camps and Clinics Blanket Accident Insurance

  1. Purpose:
    1. The purpose of this paper is to explain the Camps and Clinics Blanket Accident Insurance Program and the procedures which Client's coordinators should follow when using this program.

  2. Background:
    1. Camps and clinics insurance is purchased by Client's Risk Management to reduce the potential for liability claims arising out of injuries which occur at the various Client's sponsored camps and clinics. This is not a substitute for liability insurance but rather provides "goodwill coverage" for small medical bills incurred by camp participants. These medical expenses must be the result of a covered accident, this is not an illness policy. The policy gives us the ability to pay the medical expenses of camp participants covered under the policy without being negligent, thus reducing the number of claims and suits from participants and their parents or members of their families. Coverage is primary to liability insurance and the camper's personal insurance on the first $1,000 of covered medical expenses and excess up to $5,000 per person of Staff, but is intended to target injuries incurred related to camp activities. It is not meant to cover a Staff with allergies or a Staff who is playing with a pocket knife. Coverage can be provided for camps and clinics based on the following criteria:

        A. Camps and clinics must be sponsored by a Client's office and open to the public.
        B. Premium must be included as part of the registration fee or paid as a gift or grant authorized for this purpose.
        C. Only camps and clinics oriented toward people who are high school age and younger will be covered.
        D. Staff involved in summer research projects, projects in which the Staff receives a stipend, adult continuing education classes, leagues which include adult participants, and extremely hazardous activities such as mountain climbing are excluded from coverage.

      These are only guidelines to help determine eligibility for the program. If you have a camp or clinic that you feel should be covered and does not fall directly under these guidelines please contact Client's Risk Management and we can determine if the activity can be covered under this policy.

      ** Also keep in mind, the coverage is not required but encouraged by Client's Risk Management to avoid the potential of a lawsuit.

  3. Policy Coverage Details:
  4. Insurer:

    Name of Insurer (for example ABC Insurance Group)

    Medical Benefits:

    $1,000 primary and excess up to $5,000 per participant for medical expenses including;


    $100 per tooth, $300 per dental injury


    $15 per physical therapy visit, maximum five visits

  5. There are some limitations for medical benefits in the policy and they are:
    1. a. For hospital room and board, benefits shall not exceed the hospital's usual charge for its semi-private room accommodations; and

      b. For dental treatment, benefits shall not exceed $100 for repair or replacement of each injured tooth (including dental x-rays) and all treatment thereto which was sound and natural at the time of injury and a maximum of $300 for any one injury; and

      c. For plastic or cosmetic procedures, benefits shall not exceed $250; and

      d. For diathermy, ultrasonic, whirlpool or heat treatments, adjustment, manipulation, massage or any form of physical therapy and or office visit connected therewith, benefits shall be limited to $15.00 for each treatment not to exceed five treatments.

    The maximum total medical payments that can be made to a camp participant is $5,000. This $5,000 includes all of the limitations that are discussed above regarding dental, physical therapy, plastic or cosmetic procedures, and the hospital room limitations. The insurance company will pay the reasonable cost for these services actually rendered within one year from the date of the accident up to the $5,000 limit.

    Coverage does not apply while any participants are in or on any aircraft.

    The other benefits that are covered in addition to the medical expenses are:


    Accidental Loss of Life



    Accidental Loss of Hand or Foot



    Accidental Loss of both Hands or Both Feet



    Accidental Loss of Sight of one Eye



    Accidental Loss of Sight of Both Eyes



    Accidental Loss of Speech or Hearing



    Accidental Loss of Speech and Hearing



    Accidental Loss of One Hand and One Foot



    Accidental Loss of Thumb and Index Finger



    Accidental Loss of One Hand or One Foot and Sight of one Eye





    $2.20 per participant per camp per week regardless of exposure. Daily rate .39/day for 1 to 2 day camps with no overnight stay.


    *See section C under procedures*

    Renewal Date:

    January 1

    Coverage Provisions:

    Coverage is in effect while the participant is attending the camp and is taking part in camp-related activities

  6. Procedures:
    • Each Client's risk manager should meet with the camps and clinics coordinator annually to discuss the coverage and procedural changes which have occurred. This information should be provided to all potential camps and clinics coverage users such as the program directors.
    • A. The camps and clinics coordinator or the Client's risk manager should receive a copy of the camp or clinic brochure at least two weeks before the camp begins. This allows time to evaluate the eligibility of the camp or clinic. If there is a question regarding eligibility, consult Client's Risk Management.

      B. Seven days of activity constitutes a week. If an event is held only one day per week for several weeks, seven, one day events equals one week of coverage. If an event is held for eight days, two weeks of premium must be paid. If there are camps that are held for only one day the charge is $.39. Camps that are held for two days with no overnight stay involved, the charge will be $.39 per day for a total of $.78. Any camps held for three days or more require a charge of $2.20. If a camp is two days with an overnight stay, the charge is $2.20.

      There have been questions from some Client's institutions about using other carriers. This is the only acceptable insurance. Our reasons are: 1. Our policy offers 24 hour coverage. 2. Our policy is primary medical coverage which is the sole reason for having the policy. If the policy is not primary it may then become a liability issue and would fall under our liability coverage under the UKGC. 3. It allows for an understanding of what is covered by our policy rather than attempting to understand other parties' contracts.

      C. The camp and clinic coordinator must send to Client's Risk Management one list of camp and clinic participants along with the applicable premium by April 10, July 10, October 10, and January 10. Internal record-keeping and accounting of the accumulated premiums will be the responsibility of the camp coordinator during the quarter. A single check for the total premium during the quarter is acceptable.

      D. Complete both parts of the Reporting Form and forward to the Client's Risk Management office with the applicable premium by the four above listed dates.

      E. Claims reporting procedure:

        1. In the event of an injury, common sense should be used in assuring adequate care is given to the camper. If personal health insurance is available, that may be used in lieu of this policy.

        2. Upon injury, the injured camper or his/her parent (and physician if possible) should complete a copy of the attached claim form.

        3. The camp director must inform the parent that the claims form must be filed within 90 days of the injury to the following parties with medical bills and the original report sent to UKGC

        4. If the injury is severe and potentially may result in expenses greater than $5,000, immediately inform Client's Risk Management in case the injury results in a liability claim.

      F. All claims must include the Client's name where the camp was held. This information must be completed on the claim form by the Client's division before it is given to the claimant. This is especially important as the frequency and severity of claims increases, since this information helps us determine which institutions and camps are having the problems.

      G. We would recommend the following verbage be used as a photo and or video release on the application that is signed by the participant and/or parent:

      I understand that the Client may take photographs and or videos of camp participants and activities. I agree that the Client-____________ shall be the owner of and may use such photographs and or videos relating to the promotion of future camps. I relinquish all rights that I may claim in relation to the use of said photographs.

      H. If the Client's divisions are going to list that there is accident insurance in their informational materials they need to note that it is limited accident insurance and is primary on the first $1,000 and excess up to $5,000.

      I. Appendix A refers to mandatory variances we have established in partnership with the Department of Health and Family Services (DHFS). The variances are to DHFS' current HFS175 and its' draft HFS175. The variances were granted, based on a collective process, between Client's divisions and the Department of Health and Family Services. Changes to these variances or the recommendation of other variances must be cleared with the Client's RM due to liability concerns. The Client's office, by written protocol, shall keep available the required list under subsection (2) for each office and be centrally maintained by the office to meet the requirements of HFS175. These protocols are to be made available to the licensing authority upon request.

        Protocols to include:

      • Means of contacting medical authorities in an emergency.
      • Medical histories maintained centrally, by each camp director, or the camp health supervisor.
      • Medicine protocol for Client's designated camp staff.
      • Emergency procedures.
      • Lost camper policy/security.
      • Severe weather policy.

United Kingdom Guarantee Company

Tenant User Liability Insurance Program (TULIP)

Policy Details
Procedure for Coverage
Hazards and Rates
Accident Reporting

Insurer:                 ABC Insurance Company (name provided for example, you have               select this company)

Coverage:                Spectator/Attendee Liability

    This insurance is designed to cover lessees and vendors who use Client's space but would not be covered under the Client's  liability policy because they fall outside of the scope of the Client.


Policy Dates:            July 1, 2005-July 1, 2006

Total Premium:         $5,000 retained deposit

Per Event Limits:      $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 aggregate


Client's Procedures for Binding Coverage

  • Gather information from the potential tenant using the Special Event Questionnaire.
  • Fax the questionnaire to ABC Insurance Company for a quote. Call the Special Events Department if you have questions.
  • Collect the premium from the tenant.
  • Send or fax a copy of the Event Questionnaire to Client's Risk Management.
  • ABC Insurance Company will send a certificate of coverage to the Client, the insured.
  • Send premiums and quarterly report of events to Client's RM by the 10th of the month following end of quarter.

Exposure & Rate

Exposure and rate is based on type of event (see Hazard Schedules) and total event attendance. Per day rates as shown below:

Admissions               Class I                        Class II                   Class III
1 – 100                      $126                          $158                         Refer
101-500                    $152                           $271                          to ABC
501 – 1500                 $221                          $322                         insurance
1501 – 3000                $291                          $537                         company
3001 – 5000                $436                          $682                         for quote
5001+ submit to UKGC company for quote

Accident reporting

As soon as the Risk Manager becomes aware of an incident they should contact ABC Insurance Company with the details.




Event Title/User Name_____________________________________

Mailing Address        _____________________________________

Contact Person       _____________________________________

Telephone/Fax No.  _____________________________________

Type of Event        _____________________________________
(Refer to hazard schedule)

Location of Event    _____________________________________

Date(s) of Event     _____________________________________

Attendance/Day_______________  Total Attendance__________________
(Refer to rate list)

Premium                ____________

Client's RM Contact  _____________________________________

Events are not bound until approved.

Premium checks are to be made payable to Client's Administration.
Send to: (Client's address here)


Coverage provided by ABC Insurance Services

Tenant/User Policy

Hazard Schedule I
Hazard Schedule II
Hazard Schedule III

Hazard Schedule I
Low/Minimum Hazard Risks

Antique Shows
Art Festivals
Art Shows
Automobile Shows
Awards Presentations

Beauty Pageants
Bingo/Casino Games
Boat Shows
Body Building Contests
Business Meetings
Business Shows

Charity Benefits, Auctions & Sales
Civic Clubs & Group Meetings
Concerts—Indoor, <1500 attendance
Consumer Shows
Conventions in Buildings
Craft Shows

Dance Shows/Recitals
Debutante Balls
Drill Team Exhibitions

Educational Exhibitions
Electronics Conventions

Fashion Shows
Fishing Shows
Flower Shows

Garden Shows

Harvest Festivals
Holiday Shows-Christmas tree lighting
Home Shows
Housing Shows

Instructional Classes (non-mechanical)

Ladies Club Events

Meetings (indoors)
Mobile Home Shows

Organized Sight-seeing Tours

Parties <500 attendance

RV Shows

Scouting Jamborees
Social Receptions
Speaking Engagements
Symphony Concerts

Theatrical Stage Performances
Trade Shows in Buildings

Vacation Shows
Voter Registration

Wedding & Receptions

Hazard Schedule II
Medium/Average Hazard Risks

Aerobics - Jazzercise Demonstrations
Animal Acts/Shows

Concerts – Outdoor, <1500 attendance


Evangelistic Meetings

Farmers Markets
Food Concessions

Instructional Classes (Mechanical)

Job Fairs

Livestock Shows

Parades (< 500 spectators)
Picnics without Pools/Lakes
Political Rallies

Religious Assemblies
Rummage Sales

Sidewalk Sales
Sporting Events – Non-contact (bicycle rallies, golf, tennis, racquetball, handball, marathons, fun runs, 10k races, gymnastics competitions, ice skating shows, etc)
Street Fairs
Swap Meets

Trade Shows – Outdoors

Hazard Schedule III
Moderate Hazard/Increased Exposure/Average Risks

Casino and Lounge Shows
Concerts – 1500 attendance to 5,000 attendance

Heads of State Events

Picnics w/Pools or Lakes – Excluding Swimming & Diving Lessons

Recreational Events – fishing contests, corporate challenges

Scavenger Hunt
Soap Box Derbies
Sporting Events – contact (baseball, softball, basketball)

Union Meetings


Subject: NCAA Insurance Program

  1. Purpose:
    1. This paper will explain the policy and procedures for obtaining coverage required by the NCAA for athletic tournaments sponsored by those organizations.

  2. Policy Statement:
    1. It is a requirement of the NCAA that any Client's division wishing to host an NCAA sponsored tournament must furnish primary commercial general liability insurance coverage listing the NCAA as an additional insured. It is the responsibility of the Client's risk manager to inform the Client's athletic director about the availability of a certificate of insurance which meets NCAA requirements.

  3. Coverage Provided:
    1. We successfully negotiated a master certificate of insurance that complies with NCAA requirements. There is no longer a need to purchase insurance for NCAA sponsored events. Simply state on the application that a master certificate of insurance between the Client's Board of Directors (Regents) and the NCAA is on file at the NCAA National Headquarters.

      The purpose of this certificate is to provide protection to the Client and the NCAA from liability claims made by spectators who are injured during the tournament. The coverage does not apply to participants for their injuries and excludes any liability arising out of alcohol consumption on the premises of the tournament.

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